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We are using gitflow as our branching strategy with a temporary stable release branch used before merge between dev and master as dev is considered semi stable with continous updates. Gitflow example

Gitflow articles

A successful Git branching model
Gitflow Workflow

Naming convention

Our main branch for production code should be called master.
For all other purposes the allowed branch names starts with a prefix, a slash(/) and then you feature name with words seperated by a dash(-).


List of allowed prefixes:
| prefix | Description | | ——- | ——————————————————————————————————–| | feat | (Feature) A new feature. | | fix | (Bug fix) A bug Fix. | | hotfix | (Hot fix) A fix to patch production code. | | docs | (Documentation) Documentation only changes. | | perf | (Code Refactoring) Code changes that improves performance. | | wip | (Work In Progress) A code change that won’t be finished soon. | | test | (TESTS) Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests. | | ci | (Continuous Integrations) Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scope: CircleCi). | | build | (Builds) Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scope: npm). | | release | (Release) Preparation of a new production release. |

Release branch naming convention

The release branches purpose is to be a stable branch to be merged merged with the master branch. release branches is only allowed to have a semantic version as “feature name”.


Master branch version tagging.

Whenever any branch whether it´s a hotfix or a release is merged into master a SemVer formed tag should be added to mark the merge.


When a pull request is accepted and merged into any of the below branches a deploy pipeline will trigger pushing the accepted PR to different environments.

branch Environments
dev develop
master stage, test, production
release release