Case sensitivity
As our linux servers are case sensitive we need to have that in mind when developing on case insesitive systems as Mac OS and windows.
Mac OS Create case sensitive image and mount.
To create and mount a case sensitive image follow below steps. Your case sensitive mount will be present in ~/dev as a symbolic link pointing at the mount point.
hdiutil create -type SPARSE -fs 'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+' -size 100g -volname dev-workspace ~/Documents/dev-workspace.sparseimage
hdiutil attach ~/Documents/dev-workspace.sparseimage
mkdir /Volumes/dev-workspace/dev
ln -s /Volumes/dev-workspace/dev ~/dev
To remove the disk and mount.
hdiutil detach /Volumes/dev-workspace
rm ~/Documents/dev-workspace.sparseimage
rm ~/dev
To mount on startup: TODO